Effectively Wild Wiki

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Ben Lindbergh and Meg Rowley lean into the lockout by exploring two antecedents to today’s MLB labor stalemate. First, they banter with Emma Baccellieri of Sports Illustrated about whether the Hall of Fame Vote Tracker has helped or hurt Hall of Fame conversations, then talk to Emma about the Players’ League, a short-lived but groundbreaking 19th-century rival to the National League that was founded by and for players, touching on the origins of the reserve clause, the Players’ League’s rapid rise and fall, where it went wrong, and whether a Players’ League equivalent could be created today (plus Joe Torre’s proto-keto diet and catching fly balls with one’s cap). Lastly (52:32), they bring on Dayn Perry of CBS Sports to talk about the 50th anniversary of MLB’s first work stoppage, exploring what caused the 1972 strike, how the circumstances then mirrored today’s, and how the strike was covered (plus a mustache panic, entrance songs, and other notable events from 50 years ago).


  • {List or summarize the main topics, noting prominently mentioned players or teams and making internal wiki links to them (even if those pages have not been created yet).}


  • {- If applicable. For banter, note prominent teams and players, and make internal links for them.

- Links and mentions do NOT have to be made for players and teams mentioned in passing.}


  • {List noteworthy tangents, quotes, highlights, miscellany not covered above.}

